U14 Boys Smash it in the Cup
Chelmsford 1 – 3 Cambridge South On Sunday 20th October, Cambridge South HC Boys played their first competitive fixture as an 11- a-side team in the opening round of the England Hockey U14 Tier 2 Championships Cup. It was a superb team performance by CSHC winning 3-1 against a strong and disciplined Chelmsford side. ...
- By Rob Barton
Recent Comments
Rob Barton 3 weeks, 3 days ago
"Not clear at this point why we brought any forwards, or indeed anyone not called James."
That's hilarious! Jameses all the way down ... definitely!
Jan Brynjolffssen 3 months, 3 weeks ago
South "Can we borrow a goalie kit, please? Pretty please??"
Ely "... OK. But the only one we have is a bit big"
South "Great. Thanks. The game is about to start and we wouldn't have time to get one here from Cambridge"
Ely "OK, who is your goalie?"
South "Oh, she isn't here yet"
Ely "..."
Alithea Ibayan 3 months, 3 weeks ago
“we’re entitled to this table!!!” Till the day I die
Neil Sneade 3 months, 3 weeks ago
"The Shield" a.k.a. "The Spoon". Which will probably be won by a side which (like Blueharts) has ended up in a lower competition only by virtue of forfeiting an earlier round. Perhaps forfeiting teams shouldn't drop into a lower competition, just teams that (merited?) the place by actually losing a game...
Andrew Waddell 5 months ago
This is an outrage
John Greaves 1 year, 1 month ago
This man is a poet ...does he know it ?