Playing it Backwards...
Rasmus PetersenThe M3s are standing in the cold Wisbechistan wind, watching the M1s get undone by the same #11 who didn't get a chance in their game, thanks to the specialist marking of Jan Brynjolffssen. The M3s walk, backwards, to the prison camp like Wisbech clubhouse, where they enjoy hotdogs and chips, and have a grand old laugh voting Joe Whittaker Man of the Match, his great performance no doubt fuelled by Regal Jaeger bombs and Little Chef coffee and "pastry" (more about this later). Lemon goes to Tor Jaeger Rob Barton for a little too eagerly claiming that he got a touch on a Dave Monck missile - ambition to score is good, but that somehow didn't fit the moment.
The M3s walk backwards, to the pitch, to play a tough second half which ended 0-0, requiring many a great defensive intervention by Neil Sneade, Dave Monck, Douglas Gibson, and the before mentioned Jan. And several spectacular saves by Jason Mann, without which Wisbech could have gotten back into the game. Thank you Jason, for helping out the M3s one last time before continuing your well deserved promotion to the M1s!
Halftime talk is a mixed affair of cheers, back paddings, and well dones, combined with concerns for the first ten minutes of the next half, in which structure will dissolve, and everybody charges towards the D for a bit of glory.
The M3s play those ten unstructured minutes, and then follows goals by Simon Frampton, Joe Whittaker, Nathan Monck, and Mr Whitehall, sorry Joe, again. Lets focus on this last effort: the ball is switched from right to left, and left back Neil brings the ball forward, dances around a couple of opposition players, and then passes the ball into central midfielder Joe's path. He looks up and sees that right mid James Mathews has stayed wide and has loads of space. With the ball, James now drives towards the D, attracting the defence, before playing the ball back to Joe, who has continued his run, and can now stroll into the D, where he strikes the ball beautifully and it goes into the far side corner of the goal. And the M3s are off to an excellent start!
But it is later on, after just after having left the Little Chef in Ely, that the true morale of this story becomes clear: We open the boxes of take-away croissants, heated for our delightand realise that we might as well have taken a bite of the cardboard box they came in: get Royal breakfasts, not breakfast croissants at Little Chef!
Oh, and finally, at the very end, thanks to Ian Marshman for helping out the M3s. The Doc was spared the lemon vote as it was not before the end of this long Fen land day, at the meet, that he mentioned his unexpected "call of nature", which caused him a bit of delay. He did get a couple of lemon mentions though for wearing his dancing shoes on the very slippery Wisbech surface.
4-0 and rolling tape forward again, to the very last game for M3s vs March on Saturday - another Fens adventure.

Rob Barton
Unable to tell the difference between the Wisbech goalkeeper and a hockey ball. "It's a goal! I scored" Erm... "I hit something!" Well, yes, you did. But...
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