Last day of the try-outs
Rasmus PetersenIt was a glorious day from beginning to end. It starts at the M2s' technical training at The Leys that morning - as their game was cancelled your M3s' match report author feels obliged to mention a few points: first of all Jack Chalk's 30th birthday was announced, a glorious achievement.
Then Tom Anns decided to sacrifice his stomach contents behind Lino's goal - contents no doubt expensively purchased the night before. That was true dedication, just to be able to participate in the training exercises. As it happened a man in a suit and his young daughter walked by, on their way to participate in the Leys open day. An impressive social life the school has to offer?
And then Matt Kern caught a ball right under his right eye, producing a cut that the team doctor JT estimated to a mere 5 stitches - Matt took it with a smile! No game, but action enough. The M2s know how to keep themselves busy.
Right, onto the M3s' game! It started with Ed Bligh turning up with a tupperware full of carrots, which made the captain more happy than a hundred sprints could ever do…could our new shirts be orange please? A couple of new faces meant a round of names: Tom South had returned from Spain, sun-tanned as ever.
As the opposition where starting with ten, we drew straws and Tom S ended up with the opposition. We had fifteen players, so it seemed like the decent thing to do! Another new player, turning up for his first South game was John Pawson - you'll hear much more about him below.
In the beginning of the game, there was the unplanned bit where on-loan goal keeper Shahzad turned up fifteen minutes late. This meant starting with an extra outfield player, which actually went surprisingly well. The extra outfielder, Ahmed, scored the first goal after some serious pressure from South produced with accurate passing and positioning. Ahmed came off, and Shahzad on - talk about making the most of a bit, well, unusual situation. Glorious!
The 3s generally played like a whirl wind in the first half, with goals following from Rob and debutant John Pawson, while Rob also made an excellent pass to the back post where Tom Rosselli could put away South's fourth.
Second half was a different story - Bury St Edmunds had picked up a player on the side line and their eleventh man had also showed up. Then Dave Monck went off and with some extra pressure and pace from BSE, everything went to shambles and they got two goals back. But the M3s' got their composure back and managed to avoid the game getting really interesting.
The day of the last try-outs was truly glorious - but then again, maybe the final test will be when the M3s travel to Spalding for their first league game next Saturday?

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