Bishop Takes King
Shahzad AliCambridge South M5s assembled nice and early under clear blue skies.
Skipper Howard Steed was a man with a plan, coming prepared with the team positions and quickly sorting required substitutions; while Simon Jelley graciously doubled up as the goalkeeper and donned the newly-commissioned M5s' keeping kit.
Game on!
Cambridge South started the game with a huge burst of energy, the forwards Simon Ta and Shahbaz Ali breaking through and pushing past the Bishop's defence, but unfortunately unable to convert.
South conceded four short corners in quick succession but the solid defending, led by Men of the Match Andy Williamson and keeper Simon Jelley, meant that they were easily dispatched.
New to the club Ben Williamson showed off his moves at midfield together with Hesham Mashhour who showed great promise in hassling the opposition well.
South won a short corner but drag-flicker Shahbaz Ali managed to teleport himself to the sidelines the instant before this happened, meaning that his skills were left redundant. Simon Ta shot the ball at lightening speed towards the goal corner but unfortunately it slipped a few centimetres wide.
Half time saw the score at nil-nil, during which Jack Chalk shared his wisdom and strategy for the second half. It was also at this point that we were told that the opposition players played at a higher level, which was a good boost to confidence.
The second half started with another burst of energy from South. It wasn't enough, unfortunately, to stop a goal against when a few opposition players broke through the defensive line.
Not long after, however, Howard Steed put a touch on a great cross, leaving Simon Ta to whack the ball into the opposition goal.
Although the scoring of the equaliser lifted South spirits, it did not last long as the Bishop sent front line pawns to outmanoeuver Cambridge South and score another goal.
South knights, Rupert Espley and Paul South, showed some great skill and commanding presences against oncoming opposition attackers in midfield and made some great passes to Phil Harvey and Simon Kitchen, who meandered well around opposition players to get the ball where it needed to be.
Our most powerful player on the board, Andrew Williamson, suddenly became injured and had to substitute himself off. Our proverbial queen was down.
After some great saves by Simon Jelley, two more goals followed in quick succession, leaving the final score at four-one to the Bishop - Check mate.
Both teams had played with enormous energy, fully taxing the other side to near exhaustion. Players shook hands and complimented each other on a game well played and well enjoyed.
The usual Cherry Box pizzas were quickly devoured down at Cantabs clubhouse, where M5 players shared their eagerness for the next game, and even more hockey during the week.

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