Feeling hot, hot, hot!
Vicki GeorgiadisIt was hot, super hot, and we looked like a bunch of over-sized lemons. Someone, somewhere had blundered and with only the men’s away shirts to besport ourselves in, we looked like we were unsuccessfully attempting some kind of 1990s hip hop baggy over-sized-shirt-fashion statement, except without the music to match. The opposition looked on with sympathy as we admired our look…
But were we deterred? Not we! We were off at a run, passing, and whizzing the ball up to the opposition goal, with only a few mishaps on the way (like the 3 goals the opposition scored, in spite of our solid defence which was mainly exemplary!). Special mentions go to Niamh, complete with butterfly stiches, having only just got back after being concussed but carrying on as if nothing had happened; Hayley, for running, running, running as if she was never going to stop (possibly inspired by Forrest Gump?); Katie and Amy for only just joining us, but managing to be everywhere on the pitch, and never giving up; and to our magnificent goal scorers: Sarah, Polly (whose goal was sadly disallowed due to a foot, but full credit anyway), and Niamh. Last but by no means least, we all thought our goalie, Cassie, displayed remarkable bravery for playing on, after taking a full-on whack in an unpadded area; it looked like it was really painful – thank you, Cassie – you played with valour and managed to save several goals even after that!
Overall, we lost 3-2, but after the second half, we really felt like we’d won as we managed to play well, hold them off, and nearly clawed back a draw / win. We’ll get them next time! [Ed - that will have to be next season now]

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