Derby Day in the Sun
Niamh KrishmanThe day just seemed to be getting hotter and hotter, perfect for a picnic which the fives and sixes both had to look forward to following the match.
Both teams were ready for the game and the fives were wishing they had more than just two subs given the intense heat they had to compete with. With the on-call dietitian (and team captain) Nicole being preoccupied with a call until 10 minutes before the match, Polly stepped up to the mark to rally the team together. New faces were present on the team, with Amy and Becky both coming up from the sixes. Both made an excellent first impression in midfield.
Man of the match votes were varied, with some for strong defence (Rebecca, Shreee and Claudia) making sure that no goals were conceded. On the opposite side of the pitch, Juliette, Sarah and Niamh all racked up goals one after the other, making a bit of friendly competition between them. Polly and Nicole both supported in midfield, and with Rosie at the back making sure the team were using their voices and communicating with one another.
The hot sunny weather didn't stop anyone, and withh the final whistle 12 goals had been scored. All the teams had to do now is sit back and enjoy their picnic!

Niamh Krishman
Getting the times mixed up and turning up an hour early to the match.
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