Cambridge South v Watton: The Movie
Kim CooilAwards: 3 Points and Best Performance of the Year
Directed by – K. Pearson and R. Rutter
“The movie had everything – highs, lows, dramatic moments, chilling misses, and most of all a heart-warming story of 15 heroes” – Lolworth Gazette
Loopy Tonkin
Laura Ludlow
Kate Dixon (Oscar Nominee for her versatile performance)
Annie Macdonald (Oscar Nominee for performance in defence)
Izzy Macdonald-Parry (Goal Scorer Award)
Jess Foord (Goal Scorer Award)
Katie Gibson (Goal Scorer Award)
Jenny Soderman (Oscar Nominee for performance in defence)
Anna Lamstaes
Lucia Catley (Oscar Nominee for performing her own stunts)
Sarah Haddow
Kim Pearson (Rotten Tomatoes Winner for her outstanding dramatic performance)
Robyn Rutter
Katie Mullholland (Oscar Winner for fantastic individual performance)
Alice Wright (Driver of the year – runner up and Goal Scorer Award)
Watton Players X 12
Umpires X 2
Setting- Windy and sandy Astroturf in Norfolk
Plot –
This movie is based upon true events, although some parts may have been enhanced for the purpose of creating this blockbuster. It is about a group of hockey players demonstrating the necessity for determination, friendship and substitutions in order to triumph above the rest.
A group of 15 worldie hockey players, all with mad stick skills and bullet like passes, made there way to Norfolk to play in the world finals. As they drew up in the car park they were faced with enemies** of the past, with flash backs to last time these teams met in a fearsome battle that ended with blood spilt. They knew it was going to be tough, especially in the away environment, but they were ready for the challenge. The girls were lead down a 15-minute corridor to get to their changing room (for a second, we thought it might be a horror movie as the wind whistle there were some knocks at the locked door shouting let us in) where they discussed tactics, positions and fleeces. As they ran down the tunnel to the pitch (just a normal path) the crowd (Sarah’s family and Lucia’s Mum) went wild!!
The first half (of the movie) was a build up for a dramatic second half. It was a slow building first 35, with opportunities to get ahead from both sides. There were some fantastic saves from Loopy and goal-line saves from Kate and Annie to keep us level. A monologue from Kim Pearson at half time, much a likened to that in Any Given Sunday, made for a second half for the history books. Undoubtedly Watton’s captain said a similar speech as they were fired up to go too. The battle commenced at it was South who struck the first blow – with a majestic short corner from Alice. Goals then flew into the net from Izzy and Jess, both beating the keeper and slotting them in. The last came from a Katie, Katie double whammy with Katie Gibson slotting in (poaching?!) Katie Mullholland’s shot on goal. In the end I think it came down us having more fresh legs than them.
Meanwhile Kim and Robyn alike were trying to dislodge the feel-good film and turn it into an action/ horror with some worrying displays of amateur dramatics- most noticeably from Kim whose scream from the middle of the pitch won her the rotten tomatoes award (in fairness to me – she did swing at my neck).
No good sporting movie would be complete without a few upsets and close calls – Watton broke through our ranks and squandered a few nerve-wracking opportunities which could have seen them tighten the margins.
One last plot twist to end the day – their boiler had broken.
Our happy ending was complete with cups of teas and baked potatoes.
The film ends with 15 girls walking arm in arm into the sunset….
Rotten Tomatoes – 4.6/5
** Please note Watton were a lovely team to play and the use of enemies is only for dramatic affect

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