Great work South!
Anna LathamThe 3s travelled to Sandy for their first game of 2022 in the cold and fog unsure of whether we would be able to see from one end of the pitch to the other. Emily H started off the LOM competition scaling a fence to get to the pitch, assuming there was a gate somewhere!
The first half started off really well with great communication and passing between the midfield of Anna L, Emma J and Louisa and forwards of Anna W, Emily H and Steph. All players perfectly set up the first goal for Emma J within the first 5 minutes. Not long after Emily H got the second goal for South with Lucy singing praises of the team from the defensive line. Shandy were a little slow at setting up their free hits and 16s which gave South time to set up the press and hold Shandy who became flustered not knowing where they could pass. Great work South! Lydia didn’t get a chance to touch the ball in the first half with Anne W, Katie, Rhian, Suzi and Lucy doing a grand job of distributing around the back and then down the wings to the midfield. The first half ended 3-0 after another beautifully set up goal which Emily H put in the back of the goal.
Half time included lots of positive chat with Louisa saying we should be more assertive on the ball, definitely channelling her inner Tim here! The second half started well again, Shandy definitely came out stronger and did not waste time on the ball. Some would say, not even stopping the ball after the whistle… Great control and passing South got the ball back into Shandy’s D leading to Anna L getting her first goal for the Ladies 3s! 4-0 up now, we got a little complacent and Lydia and the defence had a tense few minutes trying to keep the ball out of our goal, it was very very close. Only one defensive short corner for South which was handled great and the ball was back in Shandys half with Emily B and Orla making some great runs into the D. After a few warnings from the umpire to the team, sadly Anne W took one for the team and was carded for not being five. South kept their heads up and dropped players back to support the defence while Anne was off. We continued to work well as a team continuously attacking leading to a few short corners, but sadly these weren’t converted but that didn’t matter as we got another goal from open play - a hat-trick for Emily H!
A couple of minutes before the end, Shandy still weren’t stopping the ball before their free hits, Louisa went in for a tackle having already backed off but the umpire decided this was card worthy and she got sent off too…there may have been a small tantrum on the sideline….this wasn’t her fault. The game ended 5-0 to South, a great win and lots of positives to take forwards to next week.
POM - Anna L for a great game and goal.
LOM - Emily H for scaling the fence pre-game.

Emily Hiscock
Despite her awesome goals was awarded lemon for fence climbing prior to the game!
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