Saturday 22nd January - Friendly vs. Ely 1
Jimbo YarrowDue to drop-outs in the league, M3’s were without a game and luckily so were Ely M1’s. So a friendly* was arranged.
* friendly
behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone
It was a good match played in the right spirit. I can’t really comment on the first goal as although I arrived at the pitch on time (and before most of the Ely team), I hadn’t had a chance to visit the little boy's room. It was my first game since November, and I was therefore starting a sub and took the opportunity at the start of the game. Apparently, it wasn’t a very good goal, but Ely went 1-0 up after a few minutes.
The sides were well matched, and we knew it would be a good game. The previous result between the two teams was a 4-2 win to Ely.
South played too much to Ely’s strengths and played the ball down the centre too much.
We conceded far too many short corners and a second goal for Ely came from one of those. 2-0 the final score. I do note that I wasn’t on the pitch for either goal conceded!!
Overall, it wasn’t a bad performance, on a different day we could have overturned Ely. We play them in the league on the penultimate game of the season and as long as we don’t slip up beforehand, it could be the key game to keep us as promotion contenders.
After the game we retired to Cantabs for pizza…
As I used to play for Ely (some 20 years ago), I knew several of the players and took the opportunity to have a chat and socialise. After all, it was a friendly* (see above).
Pizzas arrived as normal (although 3 for each team and not 4), so we happily tucked into them. Not wanting to eat Ely’s pizzas I returned to our team.
When we had nearly finished the pizza, Cambridge Uni ladies arrived (a lot of them) and CS L1’s. But no pizza! After a few phone calls it became clear that we had eaten the ladies’ teas*
* teas noun (MEAL)
a meal that is eaten in the early evening and is usually cooked
So, we had an issue, twenty-five or so hungry ladies – no pizza. No Teas. Hero Jack Chalk remedied the situation at Cantab’s bar. Cambridge University Ladies seemed particularly happy with a bag of crisps each and 4 bottles of wine to share!
Now to MOM & LOM. Although there was nothing particularly noteworthy during the game. Not even a player turning up to the golf course (and freely admitting it via WhatsApp to the team (why?)) could claim LOM. The kangaroo court* sat down to unilaterally decide the fate of one poor soul.
*kangaroo court
an unofficial court set up by a group of people, especially in a prison, trade union, or other organisation, to deal with a disagreement or with a member of the group who is considered to have broken the rules
I was that poor soul! It was a “friendly”, 4 bottles of wine and crisps is not “teas”, it was most certainly a “kangaroo court”. I rest my case your honour.
Next week we have Kettering at home, hopefully we will perform better than on our away leg (only a 2-1 win) – we should continue our chase for promotion.

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