Hairy Moments

Hattie Burscough

Walking up to the pitch you could feel the tension and nerves as the 5s knew this wasn’t going to be an easy game. The 6s have been improving every week and giving top league teams like March a good run for their money. 

To add to the pressure the team were playing in slightly different positions to what they are used to and without a few of the core 5s. This led to a bit of a slow start as we needed a bit of time to get used to positioning and how to work with each other. The 6s took this an an opportunity to put pressure on and were winning tackles, doing great marking and putting a lot of pressure on our defence leading to a few hairy moments in our D. 

Although we were staring to get more used to our positions the 6s kept their pressure on us and were communicating well to lock us down and make us unable to pass back and around. 

Tensions were starting to run high as we managed to get a few break aways helped by Annabel running the ball up to Holly who took the ball into the 6s D to shoot but Clare (6s Goalkeeper) and the 6s defence were a force to be reckoned with and we just couldn’t sink our shots. 

Coming into half time it was 0-0 which is a first for the 5s, in every other game the team has scored at least one goal in the first half so this was adding to the nerves and pressure. However we fuelled up on jelly babies, discussed how we needed to adjust our tactics and went back onto the pitch with more energy and team spirit. 

We started taking our time, looking for passes and had more attacking pressure. We finally managed to secure a short which resulted in Sarah scoring our first goal from a rebound. This helped us relax a little and feel more confident. 

Shortly after we scored our second goal of the match. Hattie attempted a shot on reverse but it was intercepted by Meg from the 6s. Thankfully Polly was in the perfect position and managed to pick up the ball and hit straight into the right corner of the goal. 

The third and final goal came from Hattie via a slip from Sarah, deflected into the goal. 

Overall it was a very difficult game and the 6s really made the 5s fight hard to secure the win and there were definitely a few moments where it looked like the 6s would score. All round everyone played to their best ability and both sides should be proud of their play, great job everyone!

POM was a close one this week with Louisa, Holly, Polly, Helen and Emma L all getting votes for fantastic play but joint POM goes to Nicole for being a core pivot in the midfield, always driving through and successfully getting the ball to the forwards for shots on goals. She was such a crucial player in the game she couldn’t be subbed off!

Second POM goes to Hattie for scoring a goal on her debut with the 5s. 

LOM goes to Sarah for being late/forgetting her gum shield… Poor Sarah!!


Thanks to Rosie for the title of this match report!


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Hattie Burscough
Player of the Match

Great debut and first goal for the L5s

Nicole Mills
Player of the Match

Full of energy throughout the match and great positioning 

Sarah Rittman
Lemon of the Match

Late and forgot to put her mouth guard in before starting!