Teas were a solid 7/10
Avi IbayanWhat A Day!
The wildly coloured yellows of Cambridge South trekked their way to Thetford with a solid number of 11 players…? We question this as the numbers did not look promising the first half an hour of warming up, where was everyone you ask? We had some go in the wrong car park, some got lost in the leisure centre, and some well…were just late! But alas, we managed to get our whole squad on pitch just in time for the 2 minute silence.
The first quarter was looking promising as we dominated their half with runs from the side from our one-hand-on-stick wonder Emma and tackles from the centre by Nicole. We almost landed some goals, but their keeper was too good. Quite thankfully a quick rest, we were off on the second quarter. More runs, and more tackles, by none other than our MOM Rebecca who was doing the mostest in defence and in midfield! Finally a few chances in their D which resulted in a few short corners, I think 3 in a row in fact, but alas their defence were just too good, but give credit where it’s due we did great in them also…if only Avi actually ran to post! A quick half time, and we were munching on some much needed sugar…vegan watermelon softies, because goodness a 10am pushback AWAY is LONG. With much renewed energy and more tactical chats by our impromptu coach Tom, we were off again! This time Thetford knew how we played, what we were capable off, and stood their ground in defence and we could not quite break through their wall, thus they dominated our half and our goalie Lydia held off on a few goals for us, but but but we are faster and leaner and meaner and finally we had a beautiful goal from Cat! As we all readied ourselves, Thetford couldn’t wait to taste their glory as well, and they got a foot in our D and scored a goal in a short corner after! We were at 1-1! Last quick break, and we knew we were done, with no subs it was tough (but I refuse to go to fitness sessions). Special mention to Daisy and Vinnie on their fabulous defending as always, Camille for her strong tackles and runs up the side, and Polly and Nicky up front who provided the team opportunities to score a goal. We held on to a satisfying draw.
The real winner of the day was definitely South because we had some tasty teas – hot dogs, in special brioche buns might I add, with onions and squash to compliment and prawn cocktail crisps. I mean, you might call it a kids party but I call it immaculate. I would rate it a solid 7/10. Would’ve been an 8 if the colour of my tea wasn’t toooo dark.

Avi Ibayan
For dribbling off the pitch twice for getting the lines mixed up, and for being dubbed a “mouthy player”
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