Death tackle
Hannah SnowFollowing the drive to the exotic location of Peterborough things were looking up as we see dominoes arrive for someone’s match teas. A chaotic start before even getting onto pitch with late arrivals and at least two warm ups. A delayed push back, and the chaotic behaviour continued, creating lots of chances but a bit frantic. Quite a few shorts which went very smoothly but just couldn’t get the ball over the line. Although Rebecca did manage to get a ball in the face and is now sporting some fabulous purple semi permanent eye make up.
Still 0-0 and following an inspirational half time team talk we stepped out again with more composure and had an amazing half. First goal came form a great run from Sophie, pass to Jess in the D who got control and lifted it over the keeper! Second goal came shortly after from lovely triangles and runs up the line from a bass line pass from Jess to Juliette on the post who slapped it in!!
Hannah, determined not to let the half go without a small amount of chaos, made an almighty “death tackle” and was green carded (no players were harmed during the stunt). Rachel, keen to continue the madness was also sent off, for reasons we are not quite sure.
Boo was making her usual fabulous saves, keeping Peterborough without a goal, Anna made sure to make her side impassable while Tabs eliminating players like a pro, but the MOM went to Sophie for an amazing game throughout.
A final score of 2-0 win certainly out everyone in the mood for Oktoberfest that evening. It was thoroughly disappointing to be faced with sandwiches after the match following the earlier dominoes excitement, but all made up for by a fantastic carrot cake from Juliette.

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