Amazing Chip Butties!
Helen DurrantSo it was suggested that the match report went something like this…
After a late change of time and kit colour, we headed off to Haverhill where we
played hockey. Following the match we went to the pub for the most delicious chip
butties – it was even suggested that these might have been better hockey teas than
our own! Some made the most of the surroundings, enjoying the finer points of the
England/Scotland Rugby game while others dropped lemon drizzle cake in ketchup
and others of us recovered from the shock that our skipper had only discovered chip
butties for the first time last year!
From this it can probably be gleaned that there wasn’t much positive feeling after the
match (1-0 in the last minute stinks) – which was thankfully made up for by the chip
However - amazing as the chip butties were (sorry to all those who couldn’t make
teas for rubbing it in so much), there was definitely a whole lot of positives to take
away from the match. For starters our well deserved POM Becky had an absolutely
incredible game in goal making some absolutely super saves. Our defensive line
were unbelievable - determined and never giving up – Rosie, Julie, Rebecca and
Polly were definitely the fab four. Our meteoric midfield made up of Hattie, Louisa,
Harry and Avi ran relentlessly as the ball moved constantly from one end of the pitch
to the other. Finally, our fantastic forwards, consisting of Holly, Nicky, KA and Helen,
all made runs up the pitch providing opportunities for shots on goal. It may not have
been the result that we wanted or deserved but everyone should feel proud of their
performance. There is a famous quote, “It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s
whether you get up,” and I know that next week the L5’s will do just that whilst also
probably still discussing those chip butties!

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