Tom BlairAs some of you may know I have recently returned from Dubai with Tim Winter following a successful airshow. I had hoped to keep this quiet however Tim, the ever so egotistical couldn’t resist the urge to brag about it. Therefore with this being public knowledge I felt it only fitting to place an aviation spin on today’s match report. Please enjoy Cambridge South’s M3s defined as aircraft models:
A380 - Adam Catley - The big dog, if aircraft models formed a gang this one would surely be the leader. This Titan of the industry seems like a suitable fit for our captain.
B747 - Tom Anns - Nicknamed “Queen of the Skies” - This 4 engine, double decker behemoth changed the game when it was released, offering capabilities to carry more passengers than any aircraft before it. Sadly many airlines are removing this classic from their fleet due to just for how fuel inefficient it is, however true connoisseurs of aviation can appreciate this icon of the industry.
A320 Neo - Johnny Camp - One of the most sought after aircraft models right now due to its great fuel efficiency. An aircraft wanted by the M2s, 3s and 4s alike.
Concorde - Tom Blair - Described by a team member as an Irish version of a Concorde. Tom aims to move at the pace of this iconic plane. Notably it is one of the least fuel efficient aircrafts, just like its Irish counterpart who after 2-3 sprints will likely not contribute much more to the game.
B737-8 - Oscar Wilson-Toy/Seb Dias - What can’t this plane do. It may not be as big as a 747 or as fuel efficient as an A320-Neo but this plane can deliver high quality in every field. There is a reason it is the highest selling aircraft model of all time, it does a job and it does it well.
B737-Max - Ali Hart - There was great excitement when this aircraft was released to the industry, offering that same all round quality at a higher standard. Sadly following two devastating crashes due to engineering misjudgements this aircraft is back in service with many people working to ensure this aircraft is actually safe to step foot in.
Cessna 182 - George Anderson - One for the thrill seekers here. What’s most notable about this aircraft is that it is best known for having people jump out of it. The top selected aircraft for entertaining skydivers you can experience great excitement through a plane like this, keep in mind at the expense of this thrill you will experience turbulence, and much more than you’d like.
B777 - Walshy - The most notable feature of this aircraft is the sheer scale of its engines. Mr Walsh shows this on both on the pitch and in Strava, delivering a top level work rate and run times that make you question whether you should even bother trying running yourself.
B767 - Joe Whittaker - A staple of the Boeing fleet, this is another aircraft that can deliver the lot. It gets you right where you need to be, you give it a target, it will hit it.
Cessna 172 - Jack Chalk - “Reliable, affordable and stable” these are the words used to described the aircraft and are quite fitting for Jack himself. This aircraft is also one of the staple planes used for flight training much like Jack’s work training up the future of Cambridge South
B757 - Ben Lye - This aircraft, often nicknamed “The Pencil” for its length truly encapsulates the reach of the man between our sticks today.
Airbus 330SC - Ali smith - One of the most famous stunt planes, Ali has earned this comparison with his countless weaving runs and a goal to show for it.
Bombardier Global 8000 - Shin Kim - The most popular aircraft used for private jets. Is it needed, no, but the don’t wealthy care and you can’t blame them. Boy do you feel good when you get to fly with this one.
De Havilland Dash 7 - Will havelange - Aside from the very appropriate name, one of this aircraft’s most notable features, much like Mr Havelange iconic hairstyle is its tail. A unique and stylish aircraft which is a welcome addition to any fleet
B777-200 (MH370) - Menzies - Off in the ocean somewhere

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