Trendy Penalty Strokes game.
Oscar SerraTitle: Trendy Penalty Strokes game.
A lovely sunny day in Peterborough was the perfect scenario for a good day of hockey after the Christmas break.
Considering that the lads only had one training session before the match, the game started really well for them. After the push back they absolutely had the control of the game and looked very switched on.
The Spanish weapon of the team, which was fully loaded after a week of plenty of Vitamin D in Barcelona, scored the first two goals for south at the very start of the game. Special mention to Harry Lewis for the magnificent reverse pass which put the Spaniard in a very comfortable position to pull the trigger and score the second one.
The opposition scored from a very unfortunate play in the D, but soon Hungry Humby put the lads up to 3-1 by pushing the ball in the goal after a nice pass of Schumann.
In the second half, unfortunately the lads couldn’t keep up the intensity shown in the first one, and City of Peterborough M2 it’s not a team who would let that chance go. They reorganised a little bit their team and brought up their best and scored their second one in a short corner (3-2).
Connor Trimble stretched the score for South in a very nice short corner deflection (4-2), but the opponent team soon scored again from a reverse hit at the top of the D.
The lads were up 4-3 in the score but couldn’t presaged that trendy penalty strokes would be a game changer, once again. Need to remind that in the game played at home in the first half of the season against City of Peterborough M2, the lads were also up in the score for the whole game, but an umpire call from the other side of the pitch sentenced a penalty stroke for Peterborough, who transformed into a goal which let them get the point after a result of 2-2.
Once again, this time another penalty stroke in the last minute sentenced south, as the umpire called a penalty stroke after random tackles in the D. Some said it was a snaky Townley foul, others after teas said it was Serra stripping for a penalty stroke. Who knows?
Another draw for the records of these two teams sentenced by a penalty stroke for Peterborough in the last minutes of the game. A good day of hockey in the end.
Of course, that would not be a draw if South would have scored from all opportunities they had, from open goals missed, short corners missed, and ALSO, from a penalty stroke they missed…that is another topic to discuss in private…

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