A tale of two halves against Wis
Mo HallFirst half: We started strong and not apparently how we meant to go on. Quote from captain Shree ‘I think that first half was some of the best hockey we've played :) ’. I think we can all agree that L4s were on fire and attacking again and again and AGAIN!
This hard work from our forwards included some fabulous runs and crosses. Likewise our lovely box of screens and inners all were supporting fabulously. Thankfully this paid off as we got a goal from Amelia. Go us!
This play continued and we rarely saw the ‘Wis’ team break into our D, letting our lovely new goalie Emma get a great seat to just watch from afar.
Unfortunately, no more goals were scored from us in the first half (spoiler alert, for the whole game), despite having multiple chances from longs and shorts. Dammit! And despite a fantastic effort from our team, one break unfortunately meant that Wis got a goal. So rude :(
Half time: It happened and we were still feeling good that we can win this.
Second half: Oh good lord what happened. I blame the rogue green card decision on our lovely Grace. Despite the fab fab fab attempts of our inners, screens and defence to clear the ball from the D, Wis certainly had their snickers and were on the attack. Definitely catfished from the first half. Unfortunately they managed to score another goal which I think my brain has tried to block out. That left us at 2:1 down. Still maybe in reach for South to get a point? Unfortunately not. Wis got another goal, that again I have blocked out but it did happen. I was mistaken, Wis must’ve had two snickers. It was not meant to be apparently, despite our efforts to keep it together. Well done to all of us for making it through the match with a brand new formation. Only upwards from here right???
Even though it wasn’t meant to be, I think Shree’s team can be chuffed at how well we play together when it worked. If you’d seen the first half and gone home, you’d have thought we were basically the GB team at 8:30am this morning (ok, maybe slightly exaggerated). It was a real shame about the other half but oh well. I guess someone has to lose.
POM went to Grace for being a lean mean Screen machine! LOM also went to Grace, for being a lean mean Green card machine. POM mentions to Cat, Emily S, Amelia, Becky D and Nicole also happened, showing how much we love each other and play well together <333. Apparently I got Lom votes too for taking out a player. I’d say she took me out but whatevs.

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