2024 L3 Debut: A good day to be a lemon

Mo Hall

We managed to get enough players for a very sunny September day, much like how I’d imagine the Mediterranean sun is helping grow those lemons. Louisa P (1/3 Louisa’s) had forgot her socks earning her some LOM nominations. - We were a bit nervous as we had a team that hadn’t played together, but that didn’t stop us and Steph gave a very nice team talk to get us hyped. Her and Ed wanted us to have all the communication - Once we’d already sweated enough during warmup (although Katy where were the farm animals??) it was time to play. - The whistle went and Peterborough were hot on us marking us tight and making some impressive leads - That wasn’t a problem for us as our lovely screens and defence were also marking up and other mids and forwards getting the ball up in their D and having shots on goal. Lydia was also making some incredible saves and making it very hard for the Peterborough team to score. Unfortunately, their persistence paid off and the score was 1:0. - That was ok though as we cracked on building play and finding ways to penetrate their D and even get a few short corners! - This hard work paid off and Daisy hit a cracking ball to the back of the goal - we were drawing woohoo! - Half time happened and we were feeling good although a bit hot. I wonder if lemons also feel the heat when they’re out in the sun. - Although we were hot, we were hyped. We’d lost last year to them (won’t say the score) and we were currently drawing! An achievement in itself. - The second half featured a couple of non ball and stick action: Naomi getting floored when successfully tackling, and Mo trying to play some hockey and instead playing some football. - We also did play some hockey, and wow we defended some pretty testing attacking hockey!! Big shout out to all those doing those defensive shorts, they weren’t getting anywhere near scoring again… - Well that was until they did, with a pretty cool deflection, making it 2:1 :( - I think at this point we realised we still had 20 minutes in the baking heat, feeling like a baked lemon cake. - That didn’t stop us though! The determination from the likes of Grace, Daisy and Steph and Nicky getting it into the D and making that goalie fight for the game, it was amazing. - Unfortunately the hard work the whole team pulled off meant we did end the match at 2:1. - However, we came off smiling and feeling like we’d had our own victory. For a team that hadn’t played together, and massive shoutout to those jumping like 2 divisions to play, we were all confident that this will be a fab season led by Steph and Luisa. - If this is us now only *just* losing, think of when we’ve trained together and had Ed a bit longer, those lemons of losing are going to be turned into lemonade and winning!!! Watch out l2s - POM was split between Grace, Daisy and Luisa C, reflecting what a team effort it was and how we held our own. - LOM was between Louisa P for her socks, but that was beaten with Mo for being Mo apparently (and for being in a bush, or maybe it was that football screaming moment, who knows) - Lovely lovely captaino Steph gave us out prizes this week! Grace got some watermelons, but I was the real winner and got an actual lemon. No need to add that to my Tesco click and collect, as my paella garnish is sorted.


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Grace Zdesenko
Player of the Match

Excellent passing and solid distribution

Mo Hall
Lemon of the Match

An artistic miss of a one touch pass