High resolution match report

Dan Talmage

You know those scenes at the start of films where the camera zooms in and in and in?

View 1, as viewed by Ben (GK) in low resolution:  bored.  Ball mostly elsewhere.  Stuff is happening at the other end, with goals scored from time to time.  (minute 75) they’re attacking!  I need to save this (saves it cleanly).  Back to being bored.

View 2, as viewed by Dan (CB) in slightly higher resolution: the ball is still mostly up the other end.  Occasionally it comes through to our line, where Jan, Etienne, Nick or Shahzad (and sometimes me) sweeps it up and delivers it back to the line ahead.  Still not close enough to see the goals being scored, though.

View 3, as viewed from the attacking W in sharp focus: plenty of neat triangular passing, most 1:1s are won by us.  South attack with determination, energy and speed.  Possession retained for long periods.  Many players get into space, receiving and giving the ball.  Chances on goal are converted by John (1), James (1) – in his first South match – Wilco (1), Rob (2) and PoM Archie (1).  Honourable mentions to the whole team, especially those stepping up from juniors (Jesse, Etienne, Archie, Miles) who made run after run and found space everywhere.  A great way to start Cambridge South M7 first ever league game, with a 6-0 win!

Ed: Other honourable mentions to Dexter for superbly taking on the role as touchline manager, and to Sandy for tireless efforts midweek to get two teams planned.


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Archie Allebon
Player of the Match

For being amazing!

Ben Talmage
Lemon of the Match

For being bored! (Ed: what an outrage!)