From a sleepy lemon
Emily KittWarning: this is written in teen. For translations not provided in the glossary please see TikTok for further guidance.
-Eat/Ate/Ate that up: did well/good
-Slay/ Slay queen: Good job girl
-Let’s be real: say the truth
-Killed it: great job
It was a beautiful sunny day when the L3s arrived bright and early at Long Road for their #goodvibesonly 10:30 am pushback against Uni - a little too bright and early for those who had only four hours of sleep the night before - teenage sleepover things - which meant that Em committed her first lemony mistake and fell asleep in the (dark, because the lights weren’t working, so very bed like) changing room. Oops.
After a motivational team talk from Luisa, and a quick prayer to the hockey gods that all of Uni would be hungover, we headed out and Grace led a great warm up where we discussed the newest addition to the team…
EMILY’S NEW ASTROS! Adidas Fabela Rise (aqua) - SLAY. No more falling for Em, we thought, with her shiny new shoes (check L3s Instagram for photos). WRONG!
We started strong and had some lovely passing and defending, holding off the fast, long legged Uni team, and we even got not one but TWO shorts! Then, after some lovely linking passes Em received the ball on P spot, and lemon move #2, faceplanted. Not such a good move when you decided footwear was the cause of the falling problem – instead of the astros eating, I ate dirt. NOT slay. We played solidly for the rest of the half, only conceding once on a short corner after a cheeky lift into the net. Yes queens.
Fired up after Coach Ed’s team talk, we went back on, and Uni were on the attack. A LOT. The gang defended soo many shorts – ATE THAT UP QUEENS- and then Jess channelled her inner goalie and stopped the ball on the line. Hero moment until we realised it was with her foot. Someone’s got to take one for the team, lets be real- do we want a goal or not? Sadly, they scored their flick, not that anyone was watching as Harry decided watching would make Selene (who couldn’t see us) nervous even though she is as cool as a cucumber! #Thinkingofthehuns #emotionalsupport.
Later on, Em (playing forward) decided it would be a good idea to help out in the D and hit it off the baseline. Didn’t really help THAT much but it’s the thought that counts everyone! Lemon moment #3. Uni scored some more goals at some point, kind of dozed off… POM Indi put in a shift as screen, and POM nominees Grace, Em, Harry and Steph and EVERYONE slayed too. But WARBS (also a POM nominee) absolutely killed a goal line save! Uni hit the ball, and we thought all hope was lost until suddenly she dived across the goal and saved it on the line!! YASSS QUEEN WARBS!!
The final score was 5-0 but we still absolutely killed it, and onto Kettering next week!

Indi Hornsby-Cox

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