CSHC Committee and Constitution

CSHC is a not-for-profit organisation run by its own members in accordance with the club Constitution. The club committee administers the club, with a sub-committee to manage the club junior section. The committee is appointed at the Annual General Meeting and appointments run for a single season.

General Committee

Keith Westley


David Mayer

Men's Hon. Secretary

Alan Cable

Men's Hon. Treasurer

Peter Mercer

Men's Fixtures Secretary

Frank Allen

Men's Match Secretary

Men's Captains

Men's 1st XI

Oliver Towers


Men's 2nd XI

Robin Fordham


Men's 3rd XI

Captains not assigned

Men's 4th XI

Captains not assigned

Men's 5th XI

Captains not assigned

Men's 6th XI

Captains not assigned

Men's 7th XI

Captains not assigned

Men's Masters XI

Captains not assigned

Men's Indoor Team

Captains not assigned

Ladies' Captains

Ladies' 1st XI

Captains not assigned

Ladies' 2nd XI

Captains not assigned

Ladies' 3rd XI

Captains not assigned

Ladies' 4th XI

Captains not assigned

Ladies' 5th XI

Captains not assigned

Ladies' 6th XI

Captains not assigned

Ladies' 7th XI

Captains not assigned

Ladies' Masters XI

Captains not assigned

Ladies' Indoor Team

Captains not assigned

Mixed Captains

Mixed XI

Captains not assigned