Men's 1sts narrowly beat Cambridge South 2
It was the clash of the season, the big weekender, the 22 best looking guys in Cambridge South battling it out. The 1s Vs the 2s. What a great advert for CSHC whether you’re interested in a young bachelor or a silver fox it was all on offer.
The stands at the fortress Leys were packed out overflowing with female talent. Highly distracting if you ask me
So the message from the captain as we set off to battle was the same boring one as it always is. “Don’t get caught too high up the field…….. blady blady bla”
Ignoring the captain, my thoughts were “lets smash em, get stuck in and show em how it’s done at the top of the league”.
So the game started and it’s fair to say they put up a resistance but we had the lion’s share of the ball. Rich Claes was doing a Darkness tribute band proud on the left, Christian Pearson and Laurie Haslop took it in turns to harvest on the right while the captain was making loud noises in the middle. Opportunities came and went, what can only be described as a platter of chances was presented to the forwards mentioned above yet to no prevail. The biggest of the 3 dinner plate opportunities was place in front of Rich. Not sure he came up with a valid excuse, either he was day dreaming and reliving his rock concert from the night before or he simply didn't feel like crushing his club mates in the opening quarter.
Jack Chalk spent a lot of the time on the floor during this game but it was he who fired in the first goal by putting a dangerous ball into the D from outside the 25, the ball was moving far too quick for the waft of David Aston but it reached the prostrate keeper, just clipped him and glanced underneath. (The important word being “glanced”). Own goal ….. one nil …… or maybe not; to keep it friendly Aston didn’t bother to celebrate the goal and as the umpire was unsighted it couldn’t be given.
John Hawkes was right in amongst it troubling the 2’s, flicking at goal, dribbling through the midfield all the while ranting on about X factor. All great to see and hear John but still no goals this season maybe a bit more practice is in order rather than watching Strictly Come Dancing…..
No offence to Paresh Parsot, Chris Gravling, Dave Aston, and Matt Readman but I don’t think they offered enough excitement to get a mention in this match report. Their defending was textbook and they snuffed out any glimmer of an opportunity the 2s had. George Wych however with his current purple patch tears up the field on a weekly basis; this week was no exception schooling half the 2s before teeing up a forward….
Is this the strongest back line CSHC have ever put on show?
The coveted goal came early on in the second half. I was involved (standard) it came from a short corner, a bit of inspiration and Rich C was there to lift it over the log on the goal line.
And that was about it. Some players shook hand afterwards others didn't. Some showered some didn't. The majority went to tee's at the red bull, ate a few slices, drank a few beers….some went out on the lash others didn't. Some drank too much and donned women’s clothing for warmth others didn't. Some went home with ….. others didn't.
The 2s will come to training with their heads held high and rightly so. We have a strong squad of club members at the moment but it is Cambridge’s finest 11 that march on another business like game. We're top of the league and that where we'll stay!

Chris Graveling

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