Nap Time
Louise RobesonIt was an interesting weekend, starting off with the resurrection of the hockey team breakfast - yes, this is where I fell asleep on Izzy’s armchair after my previous late night out, earning me Lemon and the joys of writing this match report.
After overeating (and a good nap if you’re me), we set off to Newmarket to play a team that were fairly high up in the table, and who until last week had remained undefeated. The journey consisted of a few U turns; H is a very impatient driver and somewhat impatient with other drivers also. After a few missed turns and some bad navigation by Izzy, we made it to Newmarket with a lot of time to spare.
The match began and we started with good intensity and ball pace. Hannah drove the ball forward and put it across to Izzy, who pushed it past the keeper for our first goal. After this our gameplay dropped a bit, causing a break from Newmarket and me to make saves on the edge of the D. However, we won the ball back, with Alison giving a reverse sweep through the keeper's legs and us a two-nil advantage for half time.
We ate the jelly babies that Izzy remembered to buy that morning and spoke about how to improve the gameplay. The main conclusion was intensity; we had got a bit lazy and a bit sloppy.
Then back onto the pitch we went, looking straight into the sun but marching onwards anyway. Despite the sun, we gained a goal through a short corner where Hannah injected to Jess, who hit it back to Hannah on the post, who had a little scuffle with the keeper but eventually scored our third.
At this point the umpires called over Izzy to tell her that the next person to stick tackle would be sent off the pitch, and unluckily for Dani her first stick tackle of the game got her green carded. There was also a slightly hairy moment in which Dani nearly had her head taken off by the Newmarket centre back with a very high ball hit from a sixteen. The carding also didn’t stop with Dani: back in my D, Nichola got carded after a questionable tackle and we received a short corner against us. Newmarket slipped it right and received their only goal.
Final whistle went with a three-one result to us despite not being our best work. MoM ended up being a tie between Alison for outrunning the Newmarket defence about ten times, Hannah for her skills in the D and Annie for her great runs and distribution. While there were many possible options for LoM (especially after Hannah tried to play off the back of the pitch and Nichola and Dani took a little green break), the unanimous Lemon with ten of the fifteen votes evidently landed on me.
Photo evidence of Louise’s nap

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