That Pesky Post
Nicole MillsAnother cracking week for the L4s. Laura had a staggering thirty-seven players to organise, with half venturing off to St Ives and half playing the league game.
The match started with a stark warning from Ania - there had been a worm invasion over night, potentially leading to ‘slippery conditions’ on the pitch. Luckily everyone took this on board with just the two injuries (neither of which are thought to have been worn-related!)
Enough about worms…
The L4s are getting stronger with each game and put up a great fight against Cambridge City (third in the league). We had a strong first half, ending two-one (with a lovely goal from Jess). The second half saw countless shots on goal, particularly from Jess - whose notable quote was, ‘Any chance we could move the goal a foot to the left?’ Unfortunately the umpires didn’t oblige.
This week saw a strong formation, with votes for MoM going to Polly and Ania, who were pipped to the (stationary) post by Jess. Jess also managed to secure her first LoM for South for finishing most of her shots on goal on the floor!
We gave City a good run for their money, and overall had more shots on goal - that pesky post!
This game leaves us exactly in the middle of the league. There’s definitely a strong chance we can maintain our stamina and inch up over the next few games.

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