Jelley Swings Both Ways
Jason 'JJ' JamesHow do the M4s prepare for such an occasion? Only one way of course: “Bacon Sandwiches” and a nice cup of coffee compliments of John Gourd; what a suggestion and what a legend for hosting it. Thank you, sir?
Our Team Fraught with Injuries called for a couple of new recruits. Welcome, Jo Dant and Stu Creed, who did a stellar job delivering in their respective positions, but as fate would have it as quick as we get Stu we lose him, sustaining a fractured thumb while battling it out in the opposition’s D thanks to a wayward stick.
Missing our centre mid dynamo, Oli Scott, the heavens shined favourably upon us, gracing our team with an equal charger in the form of Henry Roach who was spectacular in his duties. We look forward to seeing him more in our squad.
So how did things play out? Well, the first ten minutes, I was puckering; the opposition came out strong and really dominated proceedings by camping in our half. But the my boys wouldn’t stand for it. Now we knew their play pattern and field placements it was time to open a can of whup-ass. We pushed back and we pushed hard; dominating the rest of the half, we managed to secure a short corner. Enter the man of the hour, Simon Jelley. Man oh man, words just don’t do it justice when I say his goal was unreal. Jay Jay delivers a drag flick from the injection. It’s a screamer, it’s high, it’s wide…oh dear, it’s really high and really wide… Jelley, like a cat on crack, reacts at lighting speed, deflecting the ball into the net. OMG, what just happened? We scored, we really scored; we are in the lead. Jelley, I want to have your babies.
Ok, so the game finished one-all, right. Well, here is where Jelley swings both ways; bats for both teams; is pitcher and catcher; driver and passenger; however you want to call it. Note: Jelley was playing left wing yet he often, because of the soldier that he is, ends up defending in his own D, denying the opposition as much as he can and does so brilliantly. However on this particular occasion, standing very wide of the goal - hmmm…let’s say approximately 1.5m wide of the post - the opposition takes a desperate crack at goal which was not even close to going in but strikes Jelley’s leg, deflecting the ball into the goal. Jelley, what the hell, dude? Enough with the deflections. We get it, you like to score, just not in your own goal… Truth be told, it was just £$%^ luck that could have happened to anyone. We still love you, big man. However, I change my mind; I don’t want to have your babies anymore. [Ed - actually Wellingborough scored first, so Jelley's worldie leveled up his own goal]
Onlookers, supporters, die hard hockey lovers such as Russell Owen - I mean Owen Russell - says it was a pleasure to watch the game. Probably one of our better performances this year so far. Thank you, Owen, you’re too kind, and well done guys.
Oh, and for the record, yes, I did receive a green card for expressing my dislike of being steamrollered while trying to execute a tactile short corner. Apparently stating, “I can do whatever the £$%^ I want” at the opposition doesn’t constitute hockey jargon and therefore punished accordingly…
So to round things off, we managed to hold back a team second from the top of the log, securing seventh position, right in the middle of the pack, with a game in hand and if victorious could secure us sixth place with lots more time and battles to climb the ladder.
Jelley, given his goalscoring prowess, earned himself MoM. Jay Jay got Lemon for so many reasons it’s ridiculous but if I really have to mention one it’s for not knowing his left from his right. Well, thanks Jo for highlighting the fact that I asked you to be left slip at attacking short corners when you were actually playing right wing. Note to self: drop Jo to 5ths next week.

Jason 'JJ' James
A verbal confrontation to warm the cockles of Dennis Wise's heart
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