The Green Green Green Green Green Green Grass of Home
Jason 'JJ' JamesWeek in, week out, things change. From players, location, playing conditions to umpires, you name it, every game is different. But the strangest and most unpredictable change/difference is the way we play. Some weekends the team gels and we look as though we could thrash the best teams in our division and other weekends it’s like we should all return to basics but that’s why we love the game.
This weekend was the latter. Things just didn’t seem to click but we still came away with three points, so well done, lads.
There was the usual individual brilliance, such as Jamie ‘Lightning’ Coltman, who managed to score fantastic goals making him joint top goal scorer for the squad along with Oli ‘Gunslinger’ Weston, who we fear we may have lost to the M3s but if so it’s about…time; the ever-constant Doc McStu scoring the third of the day whilst educating the team on a virus, in particular one which Jay Jay often suffers with (we hope you are doing better, Peter!)
Then there is of course the ever-trustworthy Jay Jay Lemon-worthy moments, who on two occasions felt the game was lacking in excitement and decided to pass the ball directly to the opposition’s centre forward – “It was the sun, okay.” With nothing between the player and an almost certain goal, in stepped Mike, Jay Jay’s designated saviour… I love you, Mike.
At full time the game closed out three-one to South. Whoop whoop but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, the drama has not yet been concluded.
Perhaps it was due to our injured captain not playing or maybe it was because Dave is sporting a new pirate beard, who knows, but the M4s broke a new record *I think*: a total of sixgreen cards were issued in the last quarter of the game, and for the record Jay Jay never got any. I know, right? Whisky tango foxtrot, how can that be? Proud card holders were Stu C (shouldering), Dave M (shouting), Pete D x 2 (shoulder and dissent), Jan B (shoulder) and James H (shoulder).
Much appreciation and thanks to our injured skipper and to Paul V for the advice and guidance at half time.
Great game guys, among great guys. Looking forward to next weekend away in Louth.

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