Atonement 2.0 – A Re-imagining
Shin KimCertificate: 15 (BBFC pending)
Title: Atonement 2.0 – A Re-imagining
The scene: a small Slough office. Despite being in black and white, you can tell a solitary window behind the desk is the only source of light, from the fading sunset outside. A ceiling fan slowly creaks in and out of motion, throwing long shadows towards the back of the room, where there is a closed door. A young man can be seen slumped in a chair in the middle of the room, facing the desk, head in hands, dressed in a baggy t-shirt and scruffy jeans. Yet the grand leather desk chair across him is empty. Other than the faint whir of the fan, the only audible sound is the muffled yet incessant barking of a neighbourhood dog.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and in flies a colossal figure. As the sunlight briefly catches his eyes, he suddenly stops as he notices the young man sitting in the middle of the room, who instantly locks eyes with the new arrival. There is a brief motionless silence between the two.
(Casual guy – CG) – suddenly stands up, turns around and clutches on to his chair, almost falling over.
“Explain… I… I can explain…” he stammered out. Despite preparing this speech a thousand times in his head, he found himself struggling to piece the most elementary words together.
(Judicious guy - JG) - in silence, he calmly takes off his tailored black suit, to hang on the coat rack by the door. He brushes past CG, effectively pushing CG back in to his seat, whilst walking around the table to take his own seat in the leather desk chair. He straightens up the smartly-tied Windsor knot, along with his black suspenders, which are in stark contrast to his bright white collared shirt and his silvering hairline. He hesitates a second before eventually choosing to break the deafening silence.
“I’ll deal with you in a second. I need to make a phone call.”, he muttered to CG, as he searched for a number out of his Filofax.
He picked up the land-line from the edge of his desk, wedging the receiver between his shoulder and his neck, freeing his hands to open a small wooden box next to the phone, to reveal a cigarillo.
“Get me the scout from today’s game… yeah, that’s the one.” He picked up a silver lighter and effortlessly lit his tobacco in one swift controlled motion. He took a few puffs, before he continued talking through the landline.
“So tell me… what happened today… oh really… how unfortunate. I see… he did what? Unbelievable! And you saw this with your own two eyes? Thank you… I’ll call again next week. Say hello to Paul for me.” He respectfully positioned the receiver upon the telephone – clicking in to place gracefully - then tapped the glowing ash from the tobacco on to a marble ash-tray, before stubbing it out fully.
He slowly shifted his gaze from the marble ash-tray, up to the pale figure of CG, who had started to uncontrollably tap his left and right fingers against the chair.
“So… this Danny McCree… he’s the real deal?” continued JG.
(CG) – “He was voted man of the match for his tireless effort today at right back… he’ll make a solid addition to the team.”
(JG) – “… and your boy George Anderson… a yellow card in the last 10 minutes for a reckless tackle? When you were down 0-1 no less?”
(CG) – “Yessir… but he blames the ref… he swears it wasn’t his fault… he won’t do it aga-”
(JG) – cuts CG mid sentence - “Your boys are making quite the reputation for themselves ... what have you to say for yourself?”
(CG)- “You… you know me, it’s not… it’s not my fault! I said I had time commitment issues earlier on in the season, I can’t be there - ”
(JG) - “Insubordiation!”, roars JG, interjecting. “Some of the boys run like the Virgin Mary one week before Christmas, and others have the mental fragility of snowmen in the sun. Get your boys organised by next week, promise me… now get out!” JG stands up, grabs CG by the arm and, with surprising ease, manhandles him out of the door
(CG) – “Please… listen to what I have to say… we’re not getting as many players from the other teams… it’s due to Covid and the lockdown… Brexit! Blame Brexit!... honestly, I’ve hardly been drinking at all…” pleaded CG as he was dragged out the door. The solid oak door was slammed shut in his face.
CG took a deep breath. He looked at the door of authority. Turning around, accepting his defeat, he had only this to say as he resentfully walked away.
Fade to black.
Roll credits.
See you at the Oscars.
Original Screenplay by Shin.
25/9/2021 CSHC 3rd 0 -1 March 1st

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