A Blatant Disregard of Responsibilities
Scott CatleyNever have we ever seen such a disregard of responsibilities as we have seen recently with our new fines master Edwood Doust.
Yet another week of missing teas and therefore neglecting his duties as fines master, leaving the far superior Harry “Schuuuuuiiii” Schumann to take up the responsibility yet again.
The level of disrespect Doust has shown for the role is only exemplified by the distinct lack of the fines box, which was the sole reason he was voted into the prestigious position over mr Schumann. Edwood claimed the fines box would be a thing of beauty; a masterfully crafted solid oak box, with a high level of security (required due to the high number of fines predicted to be collected throughout the season) and delivered within 3 weeks of the start of the season. These claims were outrageous lies. The desired item never showed, instead we were met with a disgusting plywood box that looked like it had been pulled from the bottom of a damp work site, which turns out to be exactly where it came from. The box in question looks like it is falling apart already and along with the badly screwed on rotating lid, does not feel like it could keep anything secure; I fear the fines money will simply go missing (into Doust’s pocket most likely). There is even a rumour (confirmed) that Doust had such contempt for the role that the Oak intended to become the fines box was found in a skip; cast aside like his respect for the team.
Having not performed his duties for serveral weeks Doust continues to abuse his ‘authority’ trying to force his teammates to pay higher fines than agreed upon. This outrageous man thinks he can do anything and get away with it but the people will be heard. We cannot allow this and therefore call for a vote of no confidence in Mr Doust. The unbelievable disrespect for the role proves he is not appropriate for the position and new ‘leadership’ is required.
As for the game…
The first 5 minutes South had to settle into the game as nomads pressed high but the defence were absolutely solid and did not let anything through.
There were moments of brilliance throughout the game leading to some outstanding individual and team goals. Notably an upright reverse from Catley, a through ball to Serra on the baseline who sent the keeper the wrong way with some beautiful skill to deliver a ball across for a simple, open goal, tap in and a beautifully worked team effort, starting from defence and making its way up the pitch for a diving back post deflection from Townley.
5-0 easy win

Mark Inman
Beautiful play down the wings (in front of the crowd - shout out to the Ladies of the club for the support)

Scott Catley
Trying to impress the crowd like Mark and going for a wonder (pointless) tackle resulting in a slightly harsh yellow card
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