3 goals for 3 contesting lemons
Polly Lockyer
The day came for the Spalding away match, and our 1 hour and 15 minutes trek from Long Road. The day started with a message from Polly to the Spond Group - 'Lemon vote incoming - does anyone have a spare stick?'.
All was ok thanks to Becky, the spare stick hero, and 12 players with 12 sticks were present and correct at the start of the match!
The game began, and it seemed from the beginning that this would not be an easy win for either team. Every player on the pitch had their work cut out and the ball moved quickly between the two ends of the pitch. We became especially grateful to Shree for stepping in to help us (not put off by the long drive) and providing us with a sub - a ration of 4 minutes each in both halves to catch our breath and get ready to run again!
Goalie Sélène was up for the challenge throwing some spectacular shapes in goal and keeping the half time score to just 1-0 to Spalding, from an unfortunate short corner goal!
At half-time, Helen provided the team with the Holy Grail of sweets; Percy fizzy pigtails, as well as wine gums, jelly snakes, and oranges. We returned to the pitch to go again.
Midfield worked tirelessly between the two Ds, Becky, Louisa, Harry and Alex supporting one another in 1:2s to consistently work the ball up the pitch. A few short corners won by South had us holding our breath, but it was not to be!
Sadly, despite more excellent defending from Shree, Lauren and Vicki, and valiant efforts to score from Nicky, Helen and Holly, two more goals were won by Spalding (neither of which midfielder Alex had anything to do with, none at all). A score which did not reflect the equal feel of the game and the number of opportunities South created.
Other events in the second half involved the very efficient umpire giving our captain Louisa a green card for continuing play following the whistle (sometimes it just takes a second for the legs to catch up with the brain!).
The game ended a few minutes short when one of the Spalding team took an unfortunate ball to the eyebrow and needed a bit of medical attention. Never a nice way to end a match but the injured player was present and in good spirits at teas which was a relief to all!
We made it to the clubhouse for teas just seconds after the hail heavens opened, perfect timing! And we were served pasta and garlic bread, as well as a tray of cupcakes kindly provided by the Spalding side as they had a birthday on the team.
PoM votes were widespread but Lauren won for her excellent work clearing up in defence! The LoM was a surprise to all, when there seemed like a guaranteed lemon at the start of the match (stickless Polly), for once there was a wide range of potential lemons, and the title was shared by Alex (for her beautiful goal at the wrong end of the pitch) and Louisa (for earning herself a green card!).
Overall, an enjoyable day out in Spalding!
Despite goal-less, this was certainly one of the L5s best games of the season. Our efforts in training and advice from coach Tim came together; space and structure, use of overloads and use of the pitch (back and round we went!). Onwards and upwards ladies!

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