The Return of St Neots
John WestAfter a close draw last week, with the sun shining and the temperature in the 20s (it's October?!?), the M2s ventured West to St Neots. After a brief spell in Div 3NW, they were back to challenge in 2NW and have been making an impact with a 3-0-0 record so far this season. Additionally, with a 20-game unbeaten streak to maintain, they would obviously be a motivated side. However, as we found out after the match, the last team they lost to was our very own M3s. As such, we weren't to know whether they'd be worried about losing to South once again, or underestimating us due to our meagre tally of 2 points so far this season.
Considering this season's availability woes, it must've been a shock to the team when this week's squad was released with 15 players. Making his first 2s appearance in a while, Pearson made an impression right from the pushback... by passing to one of their forwards who got an early (thankfully wide) shot away. From here, we settled in to a close first half. Joel provided a strong, calming presence at screen, Jack was making some crucial tackles out wide at the back and further up the pitch, Matteo and the other forwards were winning shorts and getting shots away. After a particularly proficient attack down the right wing, the ball was whipped in to Ollie at P spot, who got a touch (which is more than can be said for a similar attempt at Wibech 2 weeks ago - we're improving!) but didn't quite get enough on it. With that chance sailing wide, the 2s closed out the half with the upper hand in terms of D entraces and shorts won, but had nothing concrete to show for it.
The second half presented an opportunity to utilise our fitness advantage and with a focus on eliminating a couple of their most dangerous players and reducing their chances down the wings, play resumed. Again we were getting chances and eventually the moment came. After his meteoric rise through the teams this season, Matteo once again showed his quality and beat multiple St Neots players on the left shoulder of the D, entering and getting a shot away. Will was perfectly placed to mop up a poor clearance from the keeper and we were 1-0 up. 2 goals in the first 4 games is 2 goals more than he scored last season, so we'll pray that he keeps this form into the upcoming games. Taking the lead had a noticeable impact on morale and the 2s continued with renewed effort. We held out against a number of St Neots short corners and even spent a period at 10 men after Pearson was green carded for a stick tackle on our left wing. As the minutes ticked by, even the opposition team started asking when Pearson would be let back on the pitch. Eventually he was, and a short time later the game ended 1-0 for our first win of the season and we're sure with plenty more to follow.

Will Havelange
Continued this season's goal scoring form with a close range effort to seal the win

Chris Pearson
Passed the ball to one of their forwards within the first 30 seconds of the game
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