"If you're the captain, where's your armband?"
Danny McCreeFIH Rules of Hockey
Rule 3.3: Captains must wear a distinctive arm-band or similar distinguishing article on an upper arm or shoulder or over the upper part of a sock.
16th September 2023
Night before the first game of the season, McCree looks up the league rules after realising he doesn't own a captains armband. Due to a sudden inability to read, he thinks he doesn't need one and continues as normal without one. Everything is fine for a few weeks.
07 October 2023 2:30pm
Cambridge South 4 vs Ely City 2. Captains are called. McCree wins the coin toss
07 October 2023 2:45pm
Goal - Ben Bird 1-0
07 October 2023 3:15pm
Goal - Josh Rollason 2-0
07 October 2023 3:20pm
Swing and a miss at top-D, Ely go on to score. McCree goes to talk to the umpire, who doesn't believe he is the captain. Green card. 2-1
07 October 2023 3:21pm
McCree fashions an armband out of black tape
07 October 2023 3:45pm
Goal - Danny McCree 3-1
07 October 2023 3:50pm
Cambridge South M4s secure a glorious victory to take them to the top of the league!
07 October 2023 5:31pm - (halfway back to Long Road)
Online shopping: captains armband
9 October 2023 (predicted)
Armband successfully delivered
10 October 2023 (predicted)
McCree wears the armband everywhere he goes, just in case
29th October 2023 (predicted)
McCree bumps into the umpire, he is congratulated on his new outfit. They become best friends
26th January 2024 (predicted)
Night before the Ely return fixture.
The armband is accidentally flushed down the toilet
27th January 2024 (predicted)
A new armband cannot be found in time. McCree gets an instant red card
28th January 2024 (predicted)
A rat finds the armband
3rd February 2024 (predicted)
Captain Rat leads the team to victory away to Wisbech.
23rd March 2024 (predicted)
The M4s earn a magnificent promotion to div 3. McCree and Captain Rat have completely changed places: the rat has a job and a house, McCree lives in a sewer.

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