The end of the year dinner and awards evening for the 2008/9 season was held on Saturday 19th April in the dining hall of St Catharine's College...
Once again we had a fine attendance and the evening was a great success. Many thanks to our excellent Ents Team of Lino, Mel and Bex for all their time and effort spent arranging the event.

Award Winners
Those recognised this year for their contribution and achievements over the season were:
Club Man of the Year | Rob Barton |
Club Woman of the Year | Louise Tonkin |
Men's 1sts Player of the Season | Steve Parker |
Men's 1sts Best Newcomer | Keith Hewitt |
Men's 2nds Player of the Season | Mark Pears |
Men's 2nds Best Newcomer | Dave Aston |
Men's 3rds Player of the Season | Shahbaz Ali |
Men's 3rds Outstanding Contribution | Andy Lewis |
Men's 4ths Player of the Season | Simon Jelley |
Men's 4ths Most Improved Player | Shahzad Ali |
Ladies' 1sts Player of the Season | Julie Sadler |
Ladies' 1sts Best Newcomer | Georgie Hurford |
Ladies' 2nds Player of the Season | Sarah Massen |
Ladies' 2nds Best Newcomer | Carla Fitzachary |
Ladies' Most Improved Player | Tracy Hunter |
Indoor Team Player of the Season | Steve Parker |
Indoor Team Most Improved Player | Tim Clapp |
Mixed Team Player of the Season | Dom Nelson |
Umpires Award | Steve Riches |
Leading Goalscorers - Men
- 1st Rob Barton
51 goals 1.4 GPG - 2nd Mark Pears
40 goals 1.3 GPG - 3rd Keith Hewitt
21 goals 1.2 GPG
Leading Goalscorers - Women
- 1st Mel Harrison
12 goals 0.6 GPG - 2nd Nicky Bareham
7 goals 0.4 GPG - 3rd Rebecca Baker
5 goals 0.5 GPG
Special Awards
- The Mick Beasley Perpetual Shield for Most Embarrassing Moment - Kevin Rowland