2016 saw a welcome return to Clare College for the Annual Dinner - and another record-breaking year with 102 players and guests! An unofficial, more eloquent (and slightly more sober than last year) recollection of the evening's events by our would-be journalist Simon Cooper can be found here. But if you weren't there, the question you should really be asking is 'What was I thinking, missing the Annual Dinner?' [*cough, cough* editor]

Award Winners
Those recognised this year for their contribution and achievements over the season were:
Club Man of the Year | Jim Hockley |
Club Woman of the Year | Ania Rygielska |
Men's 1sts Player of the Season | Craig Spencer |
Men's 1sts Captain's Player of the Season | Tom Rosselli |
Men's 2nds Player of the Season | Chris Walsh |
Men's 2nds Outstanding Contribution | Owen Russell |
Men's 3rds Player of the Season | Douglas Gibson |
Men's 3rds Best Newcomer | Ed Boggis |
Men's 4ths Player of the Season | Tom Steed |
Men's 4ths Good Egg | Andy Thomas |
Ladies' 1sts Player of the Season | Georgina Jefferies |
Ladies' 1sts Best Newcomer | Georgie Howling |
Ladies' 2nds Player of the Season | Lauren Brown |
Ladies' 2nds Best Newcomer | Harriet Walker |
Ladies' 3rds Player of the Season | Claire Kiss |
Ladies' 3rds Most Improved Player | Anouschka den Ouden |
Ladies' Mixed Player of the Season | Janette Murphy |
Men's Mixed Player of the Season | Tom Rosselli |
Umpires Award | Steve Riches |
Leading Goalscorers - Men
- 1st Rob Barton & Chris Pearson
22 goals 0.9 GPG | 0.8 GPG - 3rd Craig Spencer & Graham McCulloch
21 goals 1.0 GPG | 1.1 GPG
Leading Goalscorers - Women
- 1st Sophie McComish
25 goals 1.2 GPG - 2nd Georgina Jefferies
21 goals 1.2 GPG - 3rd Laura Ludlow
19 goals 1.2 GPG
Special Awards
- Ladies Exceptional Contribution Award - Louise Tonkin
- The Accidental Tourist Award (for those who are regulars at Boston Little Chef) - Oli Lamming (1164 miles in 26 matches)
- The Accidental Tourist Award (for membership of the Fenland Holiday Club) - Diane Eichelsheim (966 miles in 24 matches)
- The Odd Socks Award (for unprofessional appearance) - Joe Whittaker (lost a single purple sock halfway through the season)
- The Father of the Year Award (for adopting a radical hockey-based approach to parenting) - Dan Loy (played a match - and scored - 12 hours after his daughter was born)
- The Outstanding Tosser Award (for consistent excellence in pre-match coin flipping) - Simon Cooper (umpire's note: check for coins with two heads next season...)
- The Slightly Better Than Average Award (for being...slightly...better than Average) - Mike Karran
- The 'Maverick & Cougar' Top Gun Award (for outstanding wingmanship) - Colin Troll and Tom Rosselli
- The LemIona Award (for prodigious citrus farming) - Iona Walker
- The Lemon of the Season Award (for repeatedly lying down on the job) - Louisa Cantwell
- The Power Couple of the Year Award (for putting hockey above (almost) everything else) - Oli & Hannah (the only mixed game they missed was when they were away on honeymoon)
- The Mick Beasley Perpetual Shield for Extracurricular Activities - Colin Troll
Few captains have had the audacity to organise a game against a children's team. But only one has organised a match for our mixed team against an U16 girls team.